| What is the Nagasaki Prefecture Institute of Invention and Director Chairman's Award?
This is one of the local invention awards sponsored by the Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation.
The Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation strives to stimulate inventive spirit and promote science and technology through its Local and National Invention Awards and exhibition activities. The Local Invention Awards are presented to people throughout the country who have made outstanding inventions, and to those who have contributed to the commercialization of inventions, as well as to guidance, encouragement and development.
At the Kyushu Regional Invention Awards, our company's "Printing method for architectural membrane materials" was recognized as an innovative invention technology, and we received the "Nagasaki Prefecture Institute of Invention and Innovation Director 's Award."
▼Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation Local Invention Awards Website
| How to print on architectural membrane materials?
Our fluoroplastic membrane material for construction, ChukoSky™, has excellent properties. However, one of these properties, its non-stick characteristics, makes it difficult to print on.
Our latest invention makes it possible to print while retaining the traditional properties of fluoroplastic film materials.
The ability to print on it not only increases its decorative appeal, but also opens up new possibilities for use as huge advertising space.
Click here for the architectural membrane material product page.
If you are interested in printable fluoroplastic membrane materials for architecture, please contact us using the information below.
|Printing examples of architectural fluoroplastic materials
【建築用ふっ素樹脂膜材 関連記事】
「チューコーフロー ふっ素樹脂製 高透光膜材料」がグッドデザイン賞2020を受賞しました!
建築用ふっ素樹脂膜材 採用実績