Basic policy on personal information protection (Privacy Policy)

Chukoh Chemical Industries, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") recognizes the importance of personal information in our advanced information society and strives to protect personal information based on the following policy. In order to increase the effectiveness of personal information protection, we hereby establish our basic policy on personal information protection (privacy policy).

  1. Purpose of use, acquisition and use of personal information
    We will obtain and use personal information by lawful and fair means within the scope necessary for the purposes set out in the following items. If it becomes necessary to use personal information for purposes other than these, we will do so only with the prior consent of the individual.
    1. To provide you with information about products, services, various events, etc. via mail, telephone, e-mail, etc.
    2. To respond to inquiries regarding products, services, etc.
    3. To carry out transactions necessary for business purposes.
    4. For recruitment purposes.
    5. To analyze the acquired browsing history information and advertise new products and services.
  2. Provision of personal information to third parties
    We will not provide or disclose personal information to third parties except in the following cases:
    • When the customer has given consent in advance to the disclosure of personal information
    • When required by law
    • When providing or disclosing to a business partner to the extent necessary to carry out the intended purpose of use
    • When sharing information
    • When providing personal information in connection with business succession through merger, company division, business transfer, etc.

    [About joint use]
    Our company will jointly use company name (trade name), address, affiliation, job title, name, telephone number, email address, inquiry/consultation details, etc. within the scope of the intended use.

    (1) Joint users
    • Chukoh Belt Co., Ltd. (Address: 1-3-35 Mikuriya Higashi, Higashiosaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Representative: CEO Teruhiro Chuganji)
    • (Address: Room 2806, Shanghai International Trade Center, 2201 Yan An West Road, Chang Ning District, Shanghai, China; Representative: Chairman Takahiro Nishihara)
    • (Address: 19 banner, No.6 Maqiao Road, Changshu Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Province, China; Representative: Chairman Takahiro Nishihara)
    • Chukoh Chemical (Thailand) Co.,Ltd (Address: One FYI Center, unit 1/1002, 10th Floor, 2525 Rama 4 Road, Khlongtoei, Khlongtoei,Bangkok 10110 Thailand, Representative: President Takahiro Nishihara)
    (2) Personal Data Management Officer
    Chukoh Chemical Industries, Ltd. (Address: 2-11-7 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative: CEO Naoyuki Shono)

    [ Provision to third parties in foreign countries ]
    We may outsource some of our operations related to the handling of personal information to third parties in foreign countries as follows, and in connection with such outsourcing, we will provide personal data to them in order to achieve the purposes set out in "1. Purpose of use, acquisition, and use of personal information".

    (1) Name of foreign country
    • China
    • Thailand
    (2) Personal information protection systems in the foreign country
    • The systems regarding personal information protection in the relevant foreign countries are listed in the results of an investigation by the Personal Information Protection Commission, so please refer to them.
    • When we provide personal data to a third party in a foreign country, we will provide the third party with necessary and appropriate supervision to protect the personal information.
    • When providing personal data to a third party in a foreign country (excluding those foreign countries in (1) above that have systems for the protection of personal information equivalent to that of Japan), we will take measures to protect personal information between the third party and the company as stipulated in the Personal Information Protection Act, and will disclose on our website any necessary information regarding the third party as stipulated in the Personal Information Protection Act.
  3. Management of personal information
    1. We strive to keep personal information accurate and up-to-date, and manage it safely.
    2. In order to implement this basic policy, we have established personal information handling regulations, and in accordance with these regulations, we will properly manage personal information and prevent its leakage, loss, damage, etc.
    3. When we entrust the handling of personal information to a third party, we will instruct and supervise the said third party to take legally required and appropriate safety control measures.
  4. Regarding requests for disclosure of personal information

    We will respond to requests for disclosure, etc. (requests for notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, and suspension of use or suspension of provision to a third party) as set forth below.

    1. Notification of purpose of use or disclosure of personal information or records of provision to a third party
      Customers may request the Company to notify them of the purpose of use or to disclose their personal information or records of provision to a third party within the scope permitted by the Personal Information Protection Law. However, the Company may not disclose such information in any of the following cases:
      1. When disclosure is likely to seriously impede the proper performance of our business
      2. When disclosure would violate laws and regulations
      3. If we are unable to confirm that the request for disclosure is from you
    2. Corrections, additions, and deletions
      Customers may request the correction, addition, or deletion of their personal information. In such cases, the Company will investigate the matter without delay to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use, and based on the results of such investigation, will correct, add, or delete the personal information to the extent permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act.
    3. Suspension of use or suspension of provision to third parties
      You may request that we stop using your personal information or stop providing it to a third party. In such cases, we will respond in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act.
  5. Handling of Cookies
    Cookies (hereinafter referred to as "Cookies") are a function that allows a customer's device, such as a computer, tablet PC, or mobile phone, to store information that the customer has viewed our website, etc.
    By using cookies, we can obtain information such as the number of times your device has visited the website and the pages visited.
    Our website automatically collects information such as internet domain names, IP addresses, and browsing environment of this site, but unless the user enters personal information, the collected information cannot identify or identify the individual, and the user remains anonymous. In addition, it is possible to set up to refuse to receive cookies.
    For information on disabling cookies, please see "8. Disabling Cookies" below.
  6. Acquisition of cookie information and its purpose of use
    1. Regarding cookie information
      Our website uses "cookies" for some services. These are used for the purpose of providing better services, such as statistical processing of access information.
      It does not violate the user's privacy or usage environment.
      In addition, under no circumstances do cookies store any personally identifiable information.
    2. About access logs
      Our website records information about those who access the website in the form of an access log, but the access log itself does not contain any information that can identify individuals.
      Our website collects information for the purposes of statistical analysis and usage of the site, as well as to improve the site's usability.
      Our website uses Google Analytics for the purpose of collecting and analyzing access logs. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect user information, but does not collect information that can identify individual users.
      In addition, the information collected is anonymous and access information is not linked to the visitor's personal information.
      The results of the analysis will be used to improve the quality of our website and create better content.
      Information collected by Google Analytics is managed in accordance with Google's privacy policy. Please see below for details.
      Furthermore, we shall not be liable for any damages incurred as a result of using the Google Analytics and Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on services.
      ・Google Analytics Terms of Use
      ・Google Privacy Policy
    3. Use of cookie information
      When a user browses our website after providing personal information through the inquiry form on our website, we may automatically collect information about the user's device and use of our website using cookies, web beacons or similar technologies. This information is used only to analyze overall trends and to improve our website and to send customers useful product information via email, etc.
  7. Site security and protection of personal information at linked sites
    When you register personal information on our website, we use data encryption technology called SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) as a network security measure.
    This is a common technology used as a security measure for communications on websites, and prevents interception by encrypting the entire communication when input data is sent over the Internet.
    In addition, our website may contain links to websites other than ours and our group companies. We cannot assume any responsibility for the protection of personal information or the content of websites other than ours and our group companies.
  8. Disabling cookies
    You can disable the cookie function by changing your browser settings.
    You can still use our website even if you disable cookies, but you may not be able to use many of the functions. Please refer to the following URLs for instructions on how to change cookie settings for each major browser.
    Apple Safari
    Google Chrome
    Microsoft Edge
    Mozilla Firefox
  9. Revision of Privacy Policy
    This privacy policy may be changed without notice due to amendments to relevant laws and regulations, changes to our company's policies, etc.
  10. Contact Information
    If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us at:
    ・Corporate Planning Division, Corporate Planning Department Chukoh Chemical Industries, Ltd.
    Address: 5F Otemon Pine Building, 1-1-12 Otemon, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
    ·email address:

    Updated: April 1, 2024

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us with any inquiries, questions, or requests for information.